Believe it or not, dehydration is a frequent problem for athletes and active individuals. This happens when your body loses more fluid than what you take in. Approximately 70% of our body is made up of water and keeping ourselves hydrated is necessary for our main body systems to function properly.
You are dehydrated if you have a dry mouth, having dizzy spells, always tired, sweating from an illness and a lot more factors. You can be at risk.
We highly recommend the Pro-Hydrate+ IV treatment as it lets you combat fatigue due to dehydration. This blend quickly restores the fluid balance in your body in no time, making you feel energized and revitalized.
Health benefits of Hydration Pro+:
Clearer and healthier skin
Regulate body temperature
Improves sleep quality
Keep joints lubricated
Helps get rid of toxins in our body since hydration keeps our digestive system in good condition
Key Ingredients: